Marco Polo Introduced the Chinese to Chop Sticks
Food Bill Giovinazzo Food Bill Giovinazzo

Marco Polo Introduced the Chinese to Chop Sticks

Years ago, I had an acquaintance who was from China. He insisted that the Chinese invented spaghetti. He believed in the myth that Macro Polo introduced Italians to it when he returned from his travels. It did not matter what I told him; he was told this all his life. So, as far he was concerned, it was the absolute truth. Remembering the adage attributed to Mark Twain, it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled, I gave up. Instead I told him that most people don’t know that Marco Polo introduced the Chinese to chopsticks.

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Is Fettuccini Alfredo a Traditional Italian Dish?
Food Bill Giovinazzo Food Bill Giovinazzo

Is Fettuccini Alfredo a Traditional Italian Dish?

It is amazing to me, a guy who grew up in an Italian-American community in upstate New York, how much I learned about being Italian when I left that community to live among the medighans of Los Angeles. I didn’t realize that real Italians went around saying for-ged-aboud-it and we didn’t call it sauce, but gravy, a debate to be addressed in another post.

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