Who is Bill Giovinazzo?

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An award-winning author, William (Bill) Giovinazzo is a journalist, blogger, and public speaker. Available for speaking engagements, there are few things Bill enjoys more than sharing his unique perspectives on Italian and Italian-American culture and history. In addition to his blog italianita.blog, he is also a regular contributor to La Gazzetta Italiana.

Beyond writing and speaking, Bill celebrates his heritage through the classical guitar, carrying on the tradition of such artists Giuliani and Carcassi. His passion is all things Italian, from its history to its literature, music, language, and, of course, food. His deepest passions, however, lie with the writings of Dante especially the Divine Comedy.

His most recent work, Italianità the essence of being Italian, explores the culture and history of Italians and Italian-Americans, from the time when the Greeks first colonized Italy, to the influx of Italian immigrants in the 19th and 20thcenturies, to John Travolta strutting his stuff in a New York disco.

In an insightful and entertaining journey, which also takes in food, religion, relationships, and – of course – the Mafia, we explore how the two groups are the same and how they differ. Ultimately, we discover how Italianità is a complex and multifaceted entity; it’s what makes Italian and Italian-American societies the wonderful, life-affirming, vibrant cultures that they are.


Italian Americans & The Catholic Church


Italia, Ieri, Oggi, Domani.